NOLS is the National Outdoor Leadership School. I worked as a design intern for them in early 2019, and created this brochure as part of a fundraising effort to expand their Wyss campus, where they teach wilderness medicine, among other survival topics.

I managed this project start to finish, designing the full layout from scratch. I coordinated with the client to edit and refine the copy used in the brochure, selected photos from the massive NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) photo database, and provided an originally hand-drawn illustration depicting one of the buildings on campus to finish the aesthetic of the brochure's inside.
This project also included coordinating letterhead and envelope design.

Inside view of the brochure in action

Flat design of the outside of the brochure, showing the front half on the right, and the reverse on the left

The flat design of the inside of the brochure, showcasing my illustration of the campus building in the lower left.